My note from the universe yesterday;
Go way out, deanne.
Think beyond your present dreams, to the dreams you will have once they've already come true.
And when you can clearly see that life and those dreams in your mind's eye; how confident you will walk and how proud you will feel--Start walking and feeling like that today.
Far out,The Universe
I love my little universal messages each day. They seriously make me giggle with delight because they often tell me exactly what I had been thinking and dreaming about all day. Mike Dooley is pure genius, more than a "reminder service", he is a dream shaker and quaker!
I clearly see my hoopy future dreams and I am choosing to walk them now. I also accept that everyday is not going to be filled with hooptastic flow. Yesterday I felt a stall in my practice progress. Think it was my bodies way of telling me to take a little break! So we did! We wandered for a while around our neighbourhood, the humidity was intense with the typhoon making it's presence felt, made for a perfect icecream date. YUM
We did work on some hoop isolation for a bit, but a relaxing night indeed!
Cool! I think I am going to have to get signed up for those. Sounds like a fun way to start the day.
Love the blog!! :)
Thanks Aimeeroo!
The universe certainly does know how perk you up...sign up!
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