

It is no secret that fresh fruits and vegetables are filled with all the gorgeous nutrients we need to keep our insides and outer bits healthy and full of energy. Google the benefits of juicing and you will be overwhelmed with sites offering up juicy goodness.

Not only is juicing fun, the results are freakin delicious!
Last week we were on a mango kick but this morning was all about a splash of citrus.

Today's juicy recipe
4 grapefruits
4 oranges
1 lemon
A chunk of fresh ginger
Dollop of pure honey
mmmmmm spicy!!

Here are some other yummy mixes

Power Punch

Sorrel -- 6 Leaves
Apples -- 2 Large Granny Smith,
Unpeeled, Uncored and Quartered
Lime -- 1 Peeled
Mint -- 1 Sprig with Stems
Parsley -- 1 Handful with Stems

Take this on an empty stomach.
Don't eat or drink anything else for half
an hour.
Any dessert apple can be substituted.

Lemon~Lime Ginger Ale

handful of grapes
1 apple, cored and sliced
½ inch fresh ginger (less if you find the taste too strong)
1/2 lime
1/4 lemon
sparkling mineral water

The Pain Remover from Freedom You

1 lemon
1 orange
3 hard pears
3 apples

Bruises, aches and sprains can be irritated by a toxic bloodstream and a high-protein diet. But a low-protein, natural diet, lessens irritation and reduces inflammation. Not only does this juice taste delightful, it assists in the healing process. Perfect food sustaining perfect bodies.

Juicing Tips
The basics of juicing
Juicing for Great Skin

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