Hooping has become a major part of our lives. In many ways it has given us so much energy and vitality, has changed our body shape and the way our brain works but has also called on us to inject our diets with more power foods than ever before.

As vegetarians we generally have no difficulty gaining energy and nutrients from the food we love , if we select it carefully that is. For us working full time, running
TOKYOMADE, enjoying time with our friends, meetings, home stuff, shopping, hooping and relaxation time can be tricky to fit into one day. This kind of lifestyle can add to quick hunger fixes, without fail these have long term negative effects on our body, moods and hooping.
In an attempt to save time last week Masao made up a huge pot of Vegetable curry, a Japanese delicacy, very sweet of him. Packed with vegetables and coupled with brown rice we thought this would give us a good start to the week, nutrients, energy and power. What I found was quite the opposite. The hearty meal was so delicious, definitely filling but when it came to our night time hooping practice I just did not have the energy that I needed after a very full schedule during the day. This really upset me and filtered into other things. I came to the realization that a fluid and energy packed hooping session each day requires equal parts of fluid and energy to be in our diets.
This weekend is a long one in Tokyo so on Friday night still with a heavy tummy and heart we headed to our local veggie store just as it was shutting. We were so excited to pick up two huge bags of fruit and veg for exactly ¥2000. This included 6 gorgeous mangoes, in Tokyo that is almost unheard of.

Friday night's dinner - mango and avocado salsa on soy bagels with our fav soft and curly leaf lettuce, bean paste, tofu dumpling with sesame sauce and a huge glass of Hawaii Water.
A perfect start to the long weekend and a weekend filled with fun hoopiness, as our bodies soaked up the nutrients of the light and fresh meals and transferred this to our hoop practice over the next three days.

Masao working on his core strength (which alien hands!)

Me working on not hitting myself in the face!